Super Mario Game Genie Cheats

  • Game Genie Codes Sent in by After entering the following codes for the Game Genie, start a 1-player game and go to time trial. Choose Mario as your driver (may work with other drivers). Then choose Vanilla Lake 2 as the course (may work in other courses). After finishing the race while the Game Genie is on, choose replay.
  • Super Mario World Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.
  • Super Mario Bros. Game Genie Codes Super Mario Bros. Is one of the great videogame classics. The Super Mario Bros. Tune is more familiar to more people than any popular song. This page lists codes to use the Game Genie to spark up new areas of exploration in this great game.

5 Classic Super Mario Game Genie Codes. Funzo234 Subscribe Unsubscribe 171. 16 Nov 2007 5 577. Tweet Share on Facebook. HTML-code: Copy.

Super Mario Game Genie Cheats

Super mario land 2 game genie cheats
  • Cheat

When you get a GAME OVER, hold A and press START on the title screen. This will let you continue from the beggining of the world you died in. You only start from the begging of the world. Not the second or third level of that world. | Submitted by Keith Evans
  • Fireworks

Pull the flag when the last digit is 1,3, or 6. THat will make you get fireworks. | Submitted by MarioX
  • Hints

To enter weird stuff go to world 1 level 2 the cave. Make sure your super mario. Go to the pipe at the very end of the level jump onto it and bust the block beside the block thats beside the pipe(sorry its kind of hard to put into words im doing my best) and the one beside the block you just busted (the one on the left)now for the HARD part get on the edge of the tube.( VEEERY close to falling off)now jump to your right while holding b. Try to jump thru the block it is VEEERY hard to do (i hope this cheat gets in this website its SOO deepest apologies.) if you make it thru the wall you will start getting pushed thru and you will end up in the warp zone go into the first pipe you see and if you did it right you will be in world -1 which is a pretty stupid never ending water level thats not worth all the trouble anyhow. So dont get discoureged if you cant do it. It's pretty dumb. Okay now for the other cheat go to any castle while youre smallgotothewall beside the ax bowser will chase you and try to squeeze you quikly jump and try to land on bowser and the ax at the same time. Forget it im not giving the suprise away. Enjoy! | Submitted by Cal
  • Multiple Game Genie Codes

Keep in mind that these codes will only work if entered correctly with the NES game genie cheat cartridge. They are very hard to find. I will give you codes to enter ito the game genie to make your Mario playing time more fun.
~One Player Mode Only~

Super Mario Kart Game Genie Cheats

Start On World 8: enter YSAOPE YEAOZA YEAPYA as a code.
Running Super Jump: enter TPZLTG as a code. (note: this means you will jump higher than the screen shows when you are running regular speed, so you go higher.)
~Two Player Mode Only~
Infinite Lives: enter SXIOPO as a code. (both Mario and Luigi will have infinite lives.) | Submitted by BrandonMoroney
  • Tweak Music

Using a Game Genie, enter PPPPPP as a code. This will cause the background music to change. Overland levels play the underground level's music, undergound levels play a short intro then don't have music and castles play part of the overland music in a loop. | Submitted by UGuardian


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Nintendo Game Genie Codes

Nintendo Game Genie Codes

I grew up with the Nintendo Entertainment System. At the time, games were new and challenging for me, but now I have beaten all of the classics too many times to count. The novelty in playing them normally is long gone. But now I can play a new game: take apart the old 8-bit 6502 code and see how it works!
I have created these Game Genie codes this way. Each Game Genie code modifies 1 byte in ROM, however due to paging it can change multiple bytes, each at the same location on different pages. This is dealt with by incorporating a 'compare' or 'key' value into the code, making it an 8-letter code, but still you may have the same original byte at the same location on different pages anyway. So it isn't perfect but usually there it a way to work around it or no noticeable difference when the unintended bytes get changed. Feel free to use these to supplement your own collection of codes.
I created these codes using the FCEUX emulator's built-in debugger and Game Genie encoder. I also referred extensively to the 6502 instruction set.
Double Dragon
ZAKYNTAPReveal the complete mission title cut-scene soundtrack by making the scene last 8× as long

Final Fantasy
ZGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Opening Theme'
LGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Ending Theme'
GGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'World'
IGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Ship'
TGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Airship'
YGXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Town'
AGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Coneria Castle'
PGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Gurgu Volcano'
ZGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Matoya's Cave'
LGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Dungeon'
GGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Chaos' Temple'
IGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Floating Castle'
TGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Future Chaos' Temple'
YGXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Shop'
AIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Battle'
PIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Menu Screen'
ZIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Death'
LIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Victory'
GIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Got Special Item'
IIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Prelude (Character rearrangement version)'
TIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Save'
YIXZTZPGStart game with music track 'Potion'
AIXZTZPKStart game with music track 'Treasure Chest'

Final Lap
SUULIOVSInfinite Credits

Game Genie (itself)
Game Genie cursor wraps from right side of screen back to left side
  • On a real Nintendo, this requires 3 Game Genies stacked.
  • Codes go into effect only for the next Game Genie.
  • Cursor will become difficult or impossible to move based on which order you enter the codes.
  • Though physically possible, inserting 3 Game Genies without a game cartridge attached will not work because a Game Genie does not have its own lockout chip and therefore relies on the lockout chip in an actual cartridge.

Gradius II
AASLKUYLInvincible to enemies (freezes game if you bump into some multi-link enemies)
AVSPKIEYPass through solid objects (freezes game if you bump into a boss)

Kung Fu
Invincible unless time runs out
EYNKIAEIKnife throwers throw the wrong way
VVVEGSSEEnemy starts with minimum health
Player has auto-recovering health instead of enemy

Legend of Zelda
(If you are using an emulator, some of these codes require resetting the game after entering the code.)
(The PRG1 revision of Zelda warns you to hold reset when turning off the Nintendo when you die. PRG0 does not have this warning.)
KTVXXXPZHidden entrances revealed (Does not have issues like code KTVXXZ) [PRG0, PRG1]
LANOTXGALocked doors still open when you have no keys [PRG0, PRG1]
AAONVPALBombs explode immediately [PRG0, PRG1]
APONVPAUBombs explode in half the time [PRG0, PRG1]
ATONVPALBombs take 2× as long to explode [PRG0, PRG1]
EGONVPALBombs take 4× as long to explode [PRG0, PRG1]
AAOESATAFast Text (Does not glitch game from 'Pay me and I'll talk' ladies like code OPPEEA) [PRG0, PRG1]
EIVXKGEPMaximum of 255 Bombs [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
SZUPVSSEDon't lose magic shield from the 'Like Like' monster [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
PAUPSIAAThe 'Like Like' monster gives you a magic shield if you don't have one [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
SZVEGGSADon't lose sword ability from the white 'Bubble' monster (Does not work on the red 'Bubble' monster) [PRG0, PRG1 untested]

Mouryou Senki Madara
Prevent HP from running out during battle for all players. (Using just the first code by itself works pretty well, but if a character's HP is a multiple of 256, the character could still die.)
SZKOZVVVNo random encounters

Pac-Man (Namco)
Pac-Man moves twice as fast
TUKIYXTXPac-Man walks through ghosts instead of dying
AEKIYXTZPac-Man can always eat the ghosts no matter what form they are in

PEGEUGAll levels scroll at slow speed
GEGEUGAll levels scroll at fast speed
AEGEUGAll levels scroll at ultra fast speed
Always have big rapid fire
Always have big rapid fire, extra fast
OXXOEZSXFill energy instead of die when energy runs out
Character moves forward 2× as fast
Character moves forward 3× as fast

Shanghai II
APKSPOAUAble to select and play any tile
TAUSGOGEAble to select and play any tile that is not covered at all by another tile
IKEKYAGZGame starts immediately with solitaire ending sequence
GAXKPAAAGame starts immediately with scrolling credits (may not normally be possible to see this)
AEUGTEXYSpeed up copyright screen when game first starts

Super Mario Bros.
PXNLOYIVPlayer and enemies wrap around the screen instead of die when falling down holes.
  • If player jumps beyond the top of the screen, it also wraps to the bottom, so you can bump your head on the bottom of the screen when jumping for flagpoles
  • You can become stranded at the end of any level that has bricks across the top of the screen
  • Game becomes stuck if you run out of time
AASIYNLTBuzzy Beetle can be defeated via fireball
XZOSYYVZFireballs do not terminate upon defeating an enemy. Side effect: Bowser is defeated with 1 fireball. This code could be called 'stronger fireballs'.
XNNATXKNStart game as second quest
TXEEVGGSBased on code PEAEKG: Question blocks containing coins have a small coin symbol
NOOAXGGSQuestion blocks containing power-ups have a small crown symbol
PGEEXGIGOverworld bricks containing starman have a small star symbol
TZEEVGIKOverworld bricks containing multi-coins have a small coin symbol
NPEAXGIKOverworld bricks containing power-ups have a small crown symbol
YLEAVGIKOverworld bricks containing beanstalks have a small beanstalk symbol

Super Mario Bros. 3
PTKXYZESAlways able to shoot fireballs regardless of suit, except hammer suit still throws hammers
If player can shoot fireballs, player throws hammers instead
OXVZUKPXAlways have ability to fly regardless of suit
Always have Tanooki statue ability regardless of suit
  • Glitched statue graphics
  • Last 2 codes are optional, there may be a bug without them but I have not found it
  • Player can jump a little bit while in statue state
NNVZPLEKTanooki statue state lasts 33% longer
SXNZSNVKTanooki statue state never times out
NYKSUZIEKeep Kuribo's boot after damage
AEVGTLZAHammer suit can slide down hills
AEVGGLZAFrog suit can slide down hills
PEOXNAZAMushroom makes you small
LEOXNAZAMushroom gives you fire suit
GEOXNAZAMushroom gives you raccoon suit
IEOXNAZAMushroom gives you frog suit
TEOXNAZAMushroom gives you Tanooki suit
YEOXNAZAMushroom gives you hammer suit
EEOXNAZAMushroom gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
PAKXVGGALeaf makes you small
ZAKXVGGALeaf makes you big
LAKXVGGALeaf gives you fire suit
IAKXVGGALeaf gives you frog suit
TAKXVGGALeaf gives you Tanooki suit
YAKXVGGALeaf gives you hammer suit
EAKXVGGALeaf gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
PAEXNZLAFlower makes you small
ZAEXNZLAFlower makes you big
GAEXNZLAFlower gives you raccoon suit
IAEXNZLAFlower gives you frog suit
TAEXNZLAFlower gives you Tanooki suit
YAEXNZLAFlower gives you hammer suit
EAEXNZLAFlower gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
IXVGNVVKStarman invincibility does not wear off until the stage ends
KZVZLNVKWhite Block 'behind the scenes' effect does not wear off until the stage ends
Starman changes Mario's first inventory item instead of giving you invincibilityPAOZOAET = Mushroom
GAOZOAET = Frog Suit
IAOZOAET = Tanooki Suit
TAOZOAET = Hammer Suit
PAOZOAEV = Starman
GAOZOAEV = Whistle
IAOZOAEV = Music Box
Starman changes Luigi's first inventory item instead of giving you invincibility
Starman squishes into a shell and can be picked up like a turtle. If it comes out of its shell while you're holding it, it disappears and gives you frog suit. If you kick it, it bounces and can hurt you like a turtle shell.
Starman causes instant saving of the princess.
Starman causes instant saving of the princess only if you are holding 'up' when you get it, otherwise it gives you invincibility and hammer suit.
AEVAXNPPBeating any level causes instant saving of the princess
EIXKXTEYAlways have cloud ability on map (i.e. skip stages), unless you use an actual cloud item
PEUXGAAZDonut blocks immediately break free
AOUXGAAZDonut blocks break free in half the time
AKUXGAAZDonut blocks take 2× as long to break free
EEUXGAAZDonut blocks take 4× as long to break free
AEUXGAAZDonut blocks take 8× as long to break free
SLSZZTVIDonut blocks never break free
POUZPTGEThwomp falls with 7.75× acceleration
AOUZPTGAThwomp falls with 4× acceleration
AEUZPTGEThwomp falls with 2× acceleration
ZEUZPTGAThwomp falls with a half of the acceleration
PEUZPTGAThwomp falls with a quarter of the acceleration
AEUZPTGAThwomp never falls
ENVZTTENThwomp takes 2× as long to rise back up
KNVZTTENThwomp takes 4× as long to rise back up
VNVZTTENThwomp takes 8× as long to rise back up
NNVZTTENThwomp takes 16× as long to rise back up
AEVZTTEYThwomp never rises back up